########### Computest security advisory CT-2019-1009 ############# Summary: DNS rebinding against HTTPS servers Affected software: Google Chrome, Safari, SChannel CVE: CVE-2019-1318 (SChannel), CVE-2019-13680 (Chrome) Reference URL: https://www.computest.nl/advisories/ CT-2019-1125_dns-rebinding-https.txt Credit: Thijs Alkemade (talkemade@computest.nl) Date of publication: November 25, 2019 A DNS rebinding attack is possible against a server that uses HTTPS by abusing TLS session resumption in a specific way. In addition, the implementation of the Extended Master Secret extension in SChannel contained a vulnerability that made it ineffective. Technical background ==================== A DNS rebinding attack works as follows: an attacker A waits for a user C to visit the attacker's website, say http://attacker.example. The DNS record for attacker.example initially points to an IP address of the attacker with a low TTL. Once the page is loaded, JavaScript repeatedly attempts to communicate back to http://attacker.example using the XMLHttpRequest API. As this is in the same origin, the attacker can influence almost everything about the request and can read almost every part of the response. The attacker then updates this DNS record to point to a different server (not owned by A) instead. This means that the requests intended for attacker.example end up at a different server after the record expires, say, server.example owned by S. If this server does not check the HTTP Host header of the request, then it may accept and process it. The proper way to prevent this attack is to ensure that web servers verify that the Host header on every request matches a host that is in use by that server. Another workaround that is commonly recommended is to use HTTPS, as the attack as described does not work with HTTPS: when the DNS record is updated and C connects to server.example, C will notice that the server does not present a valid certificate for attacker.example, therefore the connection will be aborted. The most interesting scenarios for this attack involve attacking a device on the network (or even on the local machine) of C. This is due to a number of reasons, one of which is the problems with HTTPS. Attack ====== It is possible to perform a DNS rebinding attack to a HTTPS server by abusing TLS session resumption in a specific way. Contrary to the "normal" DNS rebinding attack, A needs to be able to communicate with S to establish a session that C will later resume. This attack is similar to the Triple-Handshake Attack (3SHAKE) (https://www.mitls.org/pages/attacks/3SHAKE), however, the measures that were taken by TLS implementations in response to that attack do not adequately defend against this attack. Just like in the 3SHAKE attack, A can set up two connections C -> A and A -> S that have the same encryption keys and then pass the session ID or session ticket from S on to C. This is known as an "Unknown Key-Share Attack". Contrary to the 3SHAKE attack, however, A can update the DNS record for attacker.example before the session is resumed. TLS resumption does not re-transmit the certificate of the server, both endpoints will assume that the certificate is still the same as for the previous connection. Therefore, when C resumes the connection at S, C assumes it has an encrypted connection authenticated by attacker.example, while S assumes it has sent the certificate for server.example on this connection. To any web applications running on S, the connection will appear to be originating from C's IP address. If the website on server.example has functionality that is IP restricted to only be available to C, then A will be able to interact with this functionality on behalf of C. In more detail: 1. C opens a connection to A, using client random r1 in the ClientHello message. 2. A opens a connection to S, using the same client random r1. A advertises only the ciphers C included that use RSA key exchange and A does not advertise the "extended master secret" TLS extension. 3. S replies to A with server random r2 and session ID s in the ServerHello message. 4. A replies to C with server random r2 and session ID s and the same cipher suite as chosen for the other connection, but A's own certificate. A makes sure that the extended master secret extension is not enabled here either. 5. C sends an encrypted pre-master secret to A. A decrypts this value using the private RSA key corresponding to A's certificate to obtain its value, p. 6. A also sends p in a ClientKeyExchange to S, now encrypted with the public key of S. 7. Both connections finish. The master secret for both is derived only from r1, r2 and p. Therefore, they are identical. A knows this master secret, so it can cleanly finish both handshakes and exchange data on both connections. 8. A sends a page containing JavaScript to C. 9. A updates the DNS record for attacker.example to point to S's IP address instead. 10. A closes the connections with C and S. 11. Due to an XHR request from A's JavaScript, C will reconnect. It receives the new DNS record, therefore it resumes the connection at S, which will work as it recognises the session ID and the keys match. As it is a resumption, the certificate message is skipped. 12. JavaScript from A can now send HTTP requests to S within the origin of attacker.example. Cipher selection ---------------- A can force the use of a specific cipher suite on the first two connections, assuming both C and S support it. It can indicate support for only the desired cipher suite(s) on the connection A -> S and then select the same cipher suite on the C -> A connection. When a session is resumed, the same cipher suite is used as the original connection did. Because A removed certain cipher suites, the ClientHello that is used for resumption will most certainly indicate stronger ciphers than the cipher the original connection had. A server could detect this and then decide to perform a full handshake instead, because this way a stronger cipher suite would be used. It appears that few servers actually do this. Extended master secret ---------------------- In response to the 3SHAKE attack, the extended master secret (EMS) extension was added to TLS in RFC 7627 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7627). This extension appears to be implemented by most browsers, however, support on servers is still limited. This extension would make the Unknown Key-Share attack impossible, as the full contents of the initial handshake messages (including the certificates) are included in the master secret computation, not just the random values. The attack is impossible if both client and server support EMS and enforce its usage. However, as server support is limited (browser) clients currently do not require it. When the extension is not required but supported by both the client and the server, it could be used to detect the above attack and refuse resumption (making the attack impossible as well). If the server receives a ClientHello that indicates support for EMS and which attempts to resume a session that did not use EMS, it must refuse to resume it and perform a full handshake instead. This is described in RFC 7627 as follows: o If the original session did not use the "extended_master_secret" extension but the new ClientHello contains the extension, then the server MUST NOT perform the abbreviated handshake. Instead, it SHOULD continue with a full handshake (as described in Section 5.2) to negotiate a new session. This is, however, not universally followed by servers. Most notably, we found that IIS indicates support for EMS in the full-handshake ServerHello, but when a ClientHello is received that indicates support for EMS that requests to resume a session that did not use EMS, IIS allows it to be resumed. We also found that servers hosted by the Fastly CDN were vulnerable in the same way. The attack also works when the server does not support EMS, but the client does. The Interoperability Considerations in ยง5.4 of RFC 7627 only say the following about that: If a client or server chooses to continue an abbreviated handshake to resume a session that does not use the extended master secret, then the current connection becomes vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle handshake log synchronisation attack as described in Section 1. Hence, the client or server MUST NOT use the current handshake's "verify_data" for application-level authentication. In particular, the client MUST disable renegotiation and any use of the "tls-unique" channel binding [RFC5929] on the current connection. This section only highlights risks for renegotiation and channel binding on this connection. The ability to perform a DNS rebinding attack does not seem to have been considered here. To address that risk, the only option is to not resume connections for which EMS was not used and for which the remote IP address has changed. Other configurations -------------------- The sequence of handshake messages is different when session tickets are used instead of ID-based resumption, but the attack still works in pretty much the same way. While the example above used the RSA key exchange, as noted by the 3SHAKE attack the DHE or ECDHE key exchanges are also affected if the client accepts arbitrary DHE groups or ECDHE curves and does not verify that these are secure. Support for DHE is removed in all common browsers (except Firefox) and arbitrary ECDHE curves appears to never have been supported in browsers. When using Curve25519, certain "non-contributory" points can be used to force a specific shared secret. The TLS implementations we looked at correctly reject those points. TLS 1.3 is not affected, as in that version the EMS extension is incorporated into the design. SNI also influences the process. On the initial connection, the attacker can pick the name that is indicated for SNI. While a large portion of webservers is configured to reject unknown Host headers, almost no HTTPS servers were found that reject the handshake when an unknown SNI name is received, servers most often reply with a certain "default" certificate. We found that some servers require the SNI name for a resumption to be equal to the SNI name for the original connection. If this is not the case then it may be possible to change the selected virtual host based on the SNI name of the first connection, though we did not find a server configured like this in practice. It may also be possible for A to send a client certificate to S on the first connection, and then attribute the messages sent after the resumption to A's identity. We did not find a concrete attack that would be possible using this, but for other protocols that rely on TLS it may be an issue. The attack as described relies on A updating their DNS record. Even with a minimal TTL, this may require a long time for all caches to obtain the updated record. This is not required for the attack: A can include two IP addresses in the in the A/AAAA record, the first being A's own address, the second the address of the victim. Once A has delivered the JavaScript and session ID/ticket, A can reject connections from the user (by sending a TCP RST response), which means the browser will fall back to the second IP address, therefore connecting to S instead. Exploitation ============ We wrote a tool to accept TLS connections and perform the attack by establishing a connection to a remote server with the same master secret and forwarding the session ID. By subsequently refusing connections, it was possible to cause browsers to resume its session at the remote server instead. We have performed this attack successfully against the following browsers: * Safari 12.1.1 on macOS 10.14.5. * Chrome 74.0.3729.169 on macOS 10.14.5. * Safari on iOS 12.3. * Microsoft Edge 44.17763.1.0 on Windows 10. * Chrome 74.0.3729.169 on Windows 10. * Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 7. * Chrome 74.0.3729.61 on Android 10. As mentioned, we also found the following server vulnerable to allowing a resumption of a non-EMS connection using an EMS ClientHello: * IIS 10.0.17763.1 on Windows 10. Firefox is (currently) not vulnerable, as its TLS session storage separates sessions by remote IP address and will not attempt to resume if the IP address has changed. (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=415196) Impact ====== To summarise, this vulnerability can be used by an attacker to bypass IP restrictions on a web application, provided that the web server: * supports TLS session resumption; * does not support the EMS TLS extension (or does not enforce it, like IIS); * can be connected to by an attacker; * does not verify the Host header on requests or the targeted web application is the fallback virtual host; * has functionality that is restricted based on IP address. As it cannot be determined automatically whether a website has functionality that is IP restricted, we could not determine the exact scale of vulnerable websites. Based on a scan of the top 1M most popular websites, we estimate that about 30% of webservers fulfil the first 2 requirements. Resolution ========== Chrome 77 will not allow TLS sessions to be resumed if the RSA key exchange is used and the remote IP address has changed. SChannel (IE/Edge) in update KB4520003 will not allow TLS sessions to be resumed if EMS was not used and the implementation of EMS on the server was fixed to not allow non-EMS sessions to be resumed using an EMS-handshake. Safari in macOS Catalina (10.15) will not allow TLS sessions to be resumed if the remote IP address has changed. Fastly has fixed their TLS implementation to also not allow non-EMS sessions to be resumed using an EMS-handshake. Due to these changes, servers may notice a decrease in the percentage of sessions that are successfully resumed. In order to maximise the chance of successful resumption, servers should make sure that: * Cipher suites using RSA key exchange are only used if ECDHE is not supported by the client. * The Extended Master Secret extension is supported and enabled by the server. * Clients connect to the same server IP address as much as possible, for example by ensuring the TTL of DNS responses is high if multiple IP addresses are used. When using TLS 1.3, the RSA key exchange is no longer allowed and Extended Master Secret has become part of the design instead of an extension. Therefore, the first two recommendations are no longer needed. Timeline ======== 2019-06-03: Report sent to Google, Apple, Microsoft. 2019-07-01: Fix committed for Chromium. 2019-07-15: EMS problem reported to Fastly. 2019-07-30: Fix by Fastly deployed and confirmed. 2019-09-11: Chrome 77 released with the fix. 2019-10-07: macOS Catalina released with the fix. 2019-10-08: Update KB4520003 released by Microsoft with the fix.