Published at: 28 November 2018, Updated at: 16 January 2019, min readtime

Sector organisation Cyberveilig Nederland wants to make society more digitally resistant

Eight cyber security service providers have taken the initiative in setting up the sector organisation Cyberveilig Nederland. The aim of this organisation is to increase the digital resistance of the Netherlands and also to raise the quality and transparency within the growing cyber security sector. Computest, Fox-IT, Guardian360, Hoffmann, Motiv, Northwave, QSight IT and Zerocopter have entered into an agreement for this purpose and they are inviting other service providers within the sector to join this initiative.

97.1 percent of the Dutch population has access to the internet. This means that the Netherlands is part of the digital vanguard within Europe. This digitalisation brings with it important economic and social opportunities. In order to take advantage of those opportunities it is essential to be able to maintain trust in our information and information systems. Giving greater attention to cyber security is therefore not a luxury, but a genuine necessity.

Quality within the cyber security sector

Last year the widespread cyber attacks WannaCry and NotPetya contributed to a harsh wake-up call in respect of the digital vulnerability of Dutch organisations. Partly as a result of that, the initiators of Cyberveilig Nederland have witnessed a growing demand for cyber security services. However, there is still a noticeable lack of transparency and guarantee of quality in this area. Both of these are crucial elements for safeguarding trust in the sector.

“Organisations currently are faced with the choice of many different information security services and they find it hard to make a decent selection”, according to Aksel Dorèl, General Director of Motiv. “Moreover, it is a challenge to be able to make an accurate assessment of the balance between price and quality. Therefore it’s crucial that we, as a sector, can offer greater transparency in this and develop a reliable certification system together.”

Deploying knowledge and expertise in the public cyber security debate

In order to contribute to a more digitally secure society, Cyberveilig Nederland wants to enter into consultations with governmental authorities, such as the National Cyber Security Centre. “With this initiative we are representing the sector directly for the first time, instead of indirectly by means of the various platforms and interest groups, which is now the case”, says Steven Dondorp, General Director of Northwave. “It goes without saying that we are looking to collaborate as much as possible with other sector organisations. For example, together with FME we are looking into the possibilities of collaborating in strengthening the technology industry and making that cyber secure.”

Leadership Cyberveilig Nederland

The eight initiators are counting on more suppliers joining up with Cyberveilig Nederland in the short term. Cyberveilig Nederland will be led by Petra Oldengarm, who until recently was Director of Cyber Security at Hoffmann and who has been active for many years in the working area of information security. She will be supported by Liesbeth Holterman, who was previously the cyber security representative for IT and technology interest groups and who has worked in government for many years in the area of security.

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