12-November-2019, min readtime

AMBER Alert concludes partnership with Computest for large-scale performance testing

Zoetermeer, 23 April 2019 - AMBER Alert has concluded a partnership with Computest for performance testing its online platform. Since its inception in 2008, AMBER Alert has grown massively. In order to continue to meet the requirements and handle the massive number of simultaneous visitors, it is important that performance is guaranteed. Thanks to the partnership with Computest, AMBER Alert can always count on that.

“If you are trying to trace a kidnapped or missing child, your website is the last thing you want to be worrying about,” says Frank Hoen, founder of AMBER Alert. “Every second counts. In order to be sure that our platform won’t let us down at critical moments, we have opted for a partnership with Computest.”

7.5 million requests per minute

The technology behind the AMBER Alert platform is constantly under development. “The platform was built to be able to handle millions of visitors at any moment, 24 hours per day, without requiring additional capacity. It can handle no fewer than 7.5 million requests per minute. That sounds like a lot, but when you realise that some three million Dutch people receive the AMBER Alerts and indirectly twelve million Dutch people see them, you can appreciate that when we send out an alert, the site has to be able to handle millions of visitors at the same time.

Hoen: “Without the right tools and expertise, it’s very hard to establish how far you can go before the system breaks down. How hard can you run before you collapse? And more importantly: how can you avoid it? That really calls for specialists. With Computest, we always have them at our disposal.

“We are proud that we have been able to make a contribution to the AMBER Alert platform,” says Hartger Ruijs, CEO and founder of Computest. “The system has an important public function and must always be ready when called upon to perform. Thanks to our extensive experience with massive performance testing and specialist knowledge, we make sure the AMBER Alert platform is always ready to deliver top performance."

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